Tuesday Jun 15, 2021
Tuesday Jun 15, 2021
Brian McLaren, Enneagram 4, is back on the show today with Suzanne talking about his newest book, Faith After Doubt! "Using his own story and the stories of a diverse group of struggling believers, Brian D. McLaren, a former pastor, proposes a model of faith development in which questions and doubt are not the enemy of faith, but rather a portal to a more mature and fruitful kind of faith." PLUG TIME! We are less than 2 months away from Breaking The Cycle, an enneagram event with Suzanne, Russ Hudson, and Rev. Joseph Stabile! Join them in Dallas or online from anywhere in the world! lifeinthetrinityministry.com/btc
Wednesday May 26, 2021
Wednesday May 26, 2021
Meet Abigail Eernisse! Abigail, an enneagram 1, was introduced to the enneagram at a prayer meeting, which is pretty darn cool. She grew up between East Africa and the Chicago area, and joins Suzanne to share some of her story and her journey. Suzanne and Abigail set the table for a future conversation going deeper into her work around anti-racism and anti-trafficking, and Abigail shared some resources for us to prepare for it! Leaving the Life: Embracing Freedom from Exploitation by Becca C. Johnson Ph.D. and Jessa Dillow Crisp Fallen by Annie Lobert Living Inside The Rainbow by Brook Parker Bello Very Young Girls (Amazon Prime) The White Umbrella: Walking with Survivors of Trafficking by Mary Frances Bowley AND! Be sure to visit lifeinthetrinityministry.com to sign up for Breaking The Cycle, an enneagram event August 5-7 in Dallas and online with Rev. Joseph Stabile, Suzanne Stabile, and Russ Hudson!! Early bird registration ends June 15th, so don't miss out!
Friday May 14, 2021
Friday May 14, 2021
A new episode of Others on The Journey! LTM has had the opportunity over the past year to facilitate Enneagram Journey Curriculum groups online via Zoom, and our most recent group, led by Joel, just finished the twelfth and final week. One of the exercises of the final session is each group member writes on a card, "I used to think..... now I think....." and shares with the group what they wrote. Today's episode is what the group shared! If you are looking to start a Curriculum group, Enneagram Journey Curriculum guides are on sale in May and June! Visit lifeinthetrinityministry.com/curriculum for more information, samples of the guide and the videos, and use the promo code PHOENIX for 25% off of Suzanne's Enneagram Journey curriculum guides.
Friday May 07, 2021
Friday May 07, 2021
If you have listened to Suzanne talk...probably ever, you know she is a huge advocate for adoption and foster care. Her guest today, fellow enneagram 2, Tori Hope Petersen, tells her story and shares how we can all get involved and become a part of this community. Stay tuned to the second half of the podcast when they run through the 9 enneagram numbers and discuss something each one should be aware of as they consider adoption or becoming a foster parent. If after listening you want to learn more, you can find Tori on Instagram @torihopepetersen and be sure and check out bringbeloved.org AND! Be sure to check out The Table, Life in the Trinity Ministry's online subscription service featuring enneagram teaching, videos and resources around spirituality and spiritual practices, and so much more, including an upcoming 2 night online event exclusively streamed at The Table. Lifeinthetrinityministry.com/thetable
Tuesday May 04, 2021
Tuesday May 04, 2021
You might remember from 2019, episode 62 of The Enneagram Journey, Intro to Spiritual Practices and the Enneagram. That episode is the most downloaded of all the podcast, so LTM decided to use the same format again, this time sharing Suzanne's introduction to Grieving and the Enneagram from her workshop early in 2021. “Suppressed grief often turns into depression, anxiety, or addiction.” - Miriam Greenspan You can find the rest of the teaching at lifeinthetrinityministry.com and suzannestabile.com
Wednesday Apr 28, 2021
Wednesday Apr 28, 2021
The Enneagram Journey is back! In our first episode back after a short break to work on a few other projects, and our first episode of "season 2" we open by reliving the ice storm that hit Texas earlier in the year, hear from the shows new official Spiritual Correspondent the Reverend, and learn all about the Yenneagram. Enneagram 7, Courtney Perry, joins Suzanne and Joel on today's show to dive into some SOLID enneagram talk, including: The best and worst part of being a 7 in your 40s What low 7 looks like and what 7 going to low 1 looks like What is a spiritual practice, and why Yoga can be Did you know you can't be bad at yoga? Click here for pictures mentioned after Hurricane Ike "For many years I mistook my anxiety for excitement." - CP A lot of plugs in today's introduction, but here are links and codes you want! The Table - LTM's new member service lifeinthetrinityministry.com/thetable TEJ Podcast Live with Courtney Perry and Tony Jones on May 6th followed by Yoga session, meditation, and community lifeinthetrinityministry.com/store/tejliveyen use promo code CNASH for $20 off registration Grieving and the Enneagram mp3 lifeinthetrinityministry.com/store/grievingmp3 use promo code TEJGRIEVE for 20% off through May And be sure to follow Courtney and the Yenneagram on Instagram @yenneagram and visit Yenneagram.com !
Friday Mar 19, 2021
Friday Mar 19, 2021
Meet Matt and RayLynn! They come out of the chute with some vulnerability and truths about parenting and it just doesn't stop. A blended family, a foreign adoption, a widower, phenomenal people, parents, and the Enneagram Godmother. Orientation to time Relationships the present moment 2 different kinds of 2s Dependent Stance talk Parenting in a blended family Such great content! Speaking of great content, there are so many great things happening at LTM! Upcoming online workshops include Prayer and the Enneagram and Fruits of the Spirit, new sets of prayer beads, the Lent video series with Joe and Suzanne, Contemplative Cohort and Enneagram Cohort applications, and more! Visit lifeinthetrinityministry.com to join in and continue your spiritual journey!
Tuesday Mar 09, 2021
Tuesday Mar 09, 2021
That's right! Back to back episodes with authors from the Enneagram Daily Reflections series! Enneagram 7, Gideon Tsang joins Suzanne and Joel on the Journey to share a little of his experience and his story as a seven. What does depression really look like in a 7? He'll share some of his history in Austin, TX by way of Canada, and did you know he is codependent? We hope you enjoy the conversation and then take the opportunity to get a copy of his book 40 Days on Being an Enneagram 7 at ivpress.com, Amazon.com or lifeinthetrinityministry.com Prayer and the Enneagram with Rev. Joseph and Suzanne Stabile An online workshop on March 26-27. Join Live and then really get to note taking while enjoying the replay afterwards. You can find more information and registration here, and sign up by March 15th to take advantage of the early bird discount!
Tuesday Mar 02, 2021
Tuesday Mar 02, 2021
Another incredible human being joins us on the podcast to talk about their ninth of The Enneagram Daily Reflection series of books by InterVarsity Press! Enneagram 9 Marlena Graves takes a break from her busy schedule as a teacher, writer, mother of 3, wife, and citizen of the world to talk about her thoughts on: Orientation to Time Her relationship with her Enneagram Five husband Having an 8 wing Protecting her energy Life in the Gut/Anger/Justice Triad You'll LOVE this episode! And after you fall in love with Marlena, you can find her book 40 Days on Being a 9 at ivpress.com , on Amazon, and at Lifeinthetrinityministry.com PLUG TIME! Prayer and the Enneagram Rev. Joseph and Suzanne Stabile March 26-27 Online! Sign up here and join in!
Tuesday Feb 16, 2021
Tuesday Feb 16, 2021
Nadia Bolz-Weber is back on the show! This episode was actually recorded in the summer of 2020, however we couldn't track down the file. FOUND IT! And it is packed. Suzanne and Nadia talk about Grace and Compassion, her latest book Shameless and her podcast The Confessional, and more. Hopefully you see that little E out by the side of the show. If you are uncomfortable with a few "explicit" words, please skip this episode, and come back for the next. You can find more about Nadia, her podcast and all that she is doing, including her online publication, The Corners at nadiabolzweber.com You can also find more info and registration for online teaching event with Suzanne, Grieving and the Enneagram, on Feb. 26-27 2021 at lifeinthetrinityministry.com Aaaaand LTM hopes you can join Rev. Joe and Suzanne for their video series on Lent! That can also be found on the LTM website. If you have questions about the podcast, Suzanne and her work, or Life In The Trinity Ministry, leave them here!